Bull Terriers are one of the best creations on this side of heaven. If there is some sort of trouble lurking in the back-yard, house, or appliances they are sure to find it. One of the pups is trying to squeeze between two crates to kill a power pack source right as I write this. (squirt bottle comes in handy)
A Bully’s curiosity, along with an athletic body, and an ability to climb anything gets them into the strangest places. I am sure every taste deterrent you find for dogs on the market today came from a bull terrier owner looking for an easier way to stop the destruction. Puppy classes were probably invented by someone with a bully or a Malamute. And let us not forget all the gadgets for walking with your dog I am sure a bull terrier owner was behind that too.
They are a powerful breed and need to know who is in charge. They love to stop in your path or just walk right through you. As a rule if you are a soft spoken and polite with them they will rule over you and make your life a living trial. They cannot be loved and fed to obedience. They need exercise and discipline for them to flourish as good dogs.
They are not good around other pets unless you take the time to socialize and teach them and make them behave. If you have more than one pet; it is good to keep them separated if you are not home. Just don’t take the chance. When you meet another animal outside your household expect to put your bull terrier in their place. I mean you be ready to control your animal at all times. Prevention is the better part of bully owner ship.
Please assess your character and time and energy before you purchase one of these fun loving, hard playing, loyal bull dozers. They are a rough and tumble strong willed breed. And may not be the breed for you. Please respect your self and the breed by not purchasing one.
If you are a pretty strong character yourself and enjoy a good challenge, then you are in for a dog of a life time. They are funny, loyal, crazy for love, and over all will keep you thinking about the joy they bring to you during these earth days.
– Bullards Bull Terriers